
Thursday 5 March 2015

The Liebster Award

Thank you to Gemma C for my nomination for the Liebster Award - here are my answers to the questions :) 

1. What’s your favourite childhood memory?
When my parents surprised me and my little brother and took us to Disneyland Paris when we were small. It was the best feeling ever :) 

2. Of all the post you have written until now which one are you most proud of? 

The blog post I am most proud of is my Halloween fashion inspired photo shoot. I love the images so much, they are so different to anything I have done before, it's also one of my blog posts where I have the most views :) Here is a link to this blog post -

3. Do you prefer Summer or Winter?
Most people would probably say Summer but for me it's got to be Winter. I love christmas time, it's also the time of my birthday. I love cold frosty evenings, hot drinks, cosy jumpers and a fire :)

4. What was your childhood dream?
To become an air hostess and have loads of money!

5. What’s your most prized possession?  
As sad as this sounds probably my iPhone 6, and 100% my canon 5D MK ii. 

6. Has anyone changed your life? If so how?
Oh my god this is gonna sound so cringey and sickening.. But definitely my boyfriend has. I've been with him for five years since I was 14 years old and he is my absolute best friend, he supports me with everything I do and I wouldn't him for the world. He's changed my life just by being such a big and important part. 

7. What's your favourite food?
Pasta! All day everyday.

7. If you had to pick a memory of yours to relive, which memory would it be?
Either being in Rome with my boyfriend for our 5 year anniversary or my 18th birthday bash with my friends in Cardiff. :)

8. What's your favourite TV show?  

Breaking Bad & RuPaul's Drag Race! Netflix for life.

9. Do you have any odd habits?  (Like always eating chicken with ketchup... that's one of mine)
I always have to check I've locked the front door at least twice before I drive off, sometimes even three times.......... My OCD is a joke sometimes.

10. Are you a morning or night person? 
Definitely a nighttime person. 

11. If you had to change your blog name, what would it be?
Hmm this is a tricky one. Maybe 'my life through my camera lens' or something about my travels. 

My questions are:

1. Why did you start blogging?
2. Best and worst trait about yourself?
3. Where is your favourite place you've been to in the whole world?
4. Who inspires you?
5. What would be the first thing you bought if you won the lottery?
6. Favourite song. Ever??
7. What is your biggest problem/challenge when it comes to blogging?
8. Best photograph you've ever taken and why?
9. What was your dream job as a child?
10. Cat or dog?
11. Where do you hope to see yourself in 25 years?

I nominate:

1. Megan Razey
2. Laura Ward
3. Grace Wiles
4. Roisin Malcolm
5. Diandra Ciliberto
6. Mica Wright
7. Paige Dyball
8. Kay Hawke
9. Steve Edwards
10. Amy Elizabeth
11.  Little Vintage Closet

The rules are:

If you are interested or didn't know before just like me the rules are:

  • Answer all the questions given by the nominator
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers
  • Notify all the bloggers you nominate
  • Made 11 new questions for your nominees to answer

1 comment:

  1. I've nominated you for Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award :)



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