
Thursday 5 February 2015

Infinity Dreams Award

Thanks to Megan Razey for nominating me for the Infinity Dreams Award.

The Rules

Thank and follow the blog that nominated you
Tell us 11 facts about you
Answer the questions set up for you.

1. I am travelling to NYC in four days.
2. I am studying photography at Swindon College.
3. I have worked part time at Pizza Hut for over three years.
4. It is my 20th birthday on the 20th February.
5. I travelled to Rome in January & am also going to Florida in October 2015.
6. I don't have a middle name.
7. I hate needles!!!
8. My favourite food is pasta.
9. My dream car is a FIAT 500.
10. I have been with my boyfriend for 5 years.
11. I am a pisces. 


What's your go to high street shop? River Island!!! <3
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Probably Florida or somewhere in America but only if I could take all of my family with me.
If you could star in a TV show what would it be and why? Probably Breaking Bad because I love it so much & I would like to be partners with Jessie & Walter White!
If you could have a superpower what would it be? To be invisible :-)
Whats your favourite shoe? Depends on the time of year, Converse in the Summertime & cosy boots in Winter.
What is your claim to fame? I literally have no idea!!!
If you could look like any one in the whole world who would it be? Probably Caggie Dunlop from MIC or Rachel McAdams.
If you could take one thing to a desert island what would it be? Lip balm! Can't live without it.
What are your hobbies? Photography, travelling, writing lists (embarrassing), fashion/beauty.
If you could have one special talent what would it be? I would absolutely love to dance!!! Not really a special talent but still a talent!
What company would be your dream company to work for? Vogue!

I nominate

Questions for you guys

1. Favourite place to go on holiday & why?
2. McDonalds or Burger King?
3. What's your pet hate?
4. What would be your dream job?
5. Favourite colour?
6. What is your most embarrassing moment of your life so far?
7. If you were a cocktail, what would your name be?
8. What's your favourite animal?
9. Favourite time of year?
10. What's your favourite quote?
11. If you only had one day left in your entire life, how would you spend it?


  1. aww lovely tag post i love reading posts like this! id love it if youd comment back xx



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