Seeing as it's a fresh new year, I thought I would write a reflective blog post this week of all the highlights and things I have learnt in photography in 2014.
1. Different ways of using studio lighting
Side Lighting |
Split Lighting |
Paramount lighting |
I'm always keen to learn new techniques, especially when it comes to lighting. I spent quite a lot of last year in the studio, which I do throughly enjoy however shooting on location is my preference.
2. Things about the world & my own personal love for travelling
Paris |
Budapest |
Tunisia |
My Mum is a travel agent so it's easy to work out how I have gained my passion for travelling & learning about the world and culture around me. I love to see new places and can't wait for 2015, I will be visiting, Rome, New York & Florida.
3. How much I enjoy fashion & beauty photo shoots
Before starting my HND, my points of interest in photography were usually photographing friends and family and some landscapes. When I started college, I soon began to realise that I enjoyed this far more.
4. Photographing for clients, students & teachers from college
Its always so nice to be approached by people to take some photographs for them & I have had some amazing opportunities in the last year. The photographs above are from the Media Make Up End of Year Show 2014 at The Steam Museum & head and shoulder shots for a hairdressing lecturer's portfolio.
5. Photoshop Techniques
Overlaying & blending in Photoshop. Also editing and softening people in Photoshop.
6. Animal Portraits
I had never had the chance to photograph animals before & I didn't realise just how hard it is! Patience is key & a few doggy treats.....
7. Using Smoke Bombs in photographs to create dramatic effect
Smoke bombs are so fun to work with!! They only last around 1 minute so all the poses have to be practised before I set it off, I always have to work really quickly and try to get the shots that I want. Luckily, my model is amazing & works well under the pressure.
8. I have learnt about organising shoots, selecting locations & booking accommodation & transport
The first two photographs were shot at Cirencester Outdoor Swimming Pool, I drove to the location with MUA and model and we had an evening shooting. The beach photographs are from Woolacoombe Bay, we stayed there for two days and had a great time. I organised the transport, accommodation and locations for the different shoots. I've gained a really strong friendship with both of them & we have more shoots organised in the near future. :)
9. Light Trails
I have only recently posted these photographs in the last couple of months or so, but it is a skill I had always wanted to master & Bonfire Night last year, I got the shots that I wanted. I think the people holding the sparklers could do with a bit more practise :) but the overall idea is there & I want to definitely experiment with this further.
10. Bokeh
Keep posted throughout 2015 to see what new things I will photographing this year :)